
October 1, 2013

Bangkok trip 26/09/2013 - 29/09/2013

Sawadeeka~ Today I will be blogging about my trip to Thailand -Bangkok, it was somehow a business trip and a vacation combined together. I went with my mom and sister this time round, the last time I went was when I was 11 years old and that was the last time I ever went overseas.
Was lazing around in the airport because we were early, and I saw this! My childhood favourite toy ever but it was so expensive last time and well I remembered I only had one or two of it.
So we touched down at about 4ish in the afternoon and took the train over to our hotel! The exterior of it is just average but I swear it's the most cozy and comfortable hotel room, I didn't wanna leave that place! The hotel I was staying at was Baiyoke Sky hotel, at the 41th floor. I swear the view from the top is so amazing and different, Bangkok is forever busy.
Shopped around and had dinner at Platinum mall, and we had Swensen's for dessert. It was so damn good and cheap! ♡
Day 2. 27.09.2013
Woke up in the early morning to prepare because we wanted to shop around in the morning market. Before that we headed up to the 71th floor and had our buffet breakfast. I miss the food already!

Went and shopped around the morning market but I couldn't find anything I like :( it was so packed I swear there's body contact everywhere and it is super dangerous with the traffic going on. I couldn't even snap a picture of the morning market because it is that dangerous.
After the morning market, we went to shop at Platinum again and headed over to Siam Paragon. I was so amazed by Siam Paragon, definitely 100 times better than The Paragon in Singapore. I also did gelish manicure for about 550 baht and I am super pleased with the results! ♡
Day 3 28.09.2013
I didn't manage to snap a lot of pictures because we woke up early for the morning market and headed over to JJ market, I bought quite some stuff there but it was so incredibly hot, thank goodness I remembered to pack my shades or else i'd be squinting all my way through.
 Couldn't snap any pictures because it is dangerous and packed. Sigh.

 Had the most amazing jap food at Union Mall for lunch and it is darn cheap, the quantity is filling enough for all of us!
Spent the rest of the day at JJ market and dropped by at Siam Paragon again to buy some gifts for some close friends. :)
Day 4 29.09.2013
I dyed my hair the first thing I woke up haha but it failed miserably because the instructions were in thai, oh well at least I have inverted ombre hair haha.
I didn't want to leave Bangkok without eating my favorite Thailand style beehoon soup. I swear it is damn freaking good. I'd eat 3 bowls at once if I could!! You can only get this yummy beehoon soup at the pushcarts if you are lucky because they sell out fast!

omg I wish I can have one bowl of this goodness right now.

 Went to Platinum again and did the last round of shopping and I managed to find a lot of apparels!

Had jap food again haha and it was good and damn cheap too! ♡
Had Swensen's again to mark the end of the trip, the waffle is heavenly.
Airport outfit, the cute crop top will be on daintybullets soon!
 My bkk haul haha there are more apparels that I forgot to include in this pile! Stay tuned to those cute headbands you spot over here, will be on daintybullets too! :)

That's all for my bkk trip, I really hope I can go over there soon! ♡
Do stay tune to the launch of daintybullets too, I am so excited for the launch and I am currently working on it still! See you guys soon! xx

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