
January 8, 2014

All over you

First blog post of the year woohoo sorry I've been procrastinating like shit these few days so I will blog about what happened last week/ this week!
31/December/2013 - 1/Jan/2014
Had a mini gathering over at my grandma's vacant house with some of my close friends and my sister's friends. Overall had a good time gossiping (what's new) about our secondary school lives, and plus we are all from the same secondary school, the stories are pretty interesting and hilarious. (add in a little bitchiness) :D

Having steamboat on the floor because we can. Chatted the whole night and tried getting some precious sleep but it failed :( It was incredibly fun overnighting with my close friends hehe it's been years since we last did that!

Surviving with no sleep at all, really terrible panda eyes.

Met up with the girls while surviving on 2 hours of sleep! Had lunch at Everything With Fries at Bugis and I didn't really like what I ordered :(

(Picture from :) )
I ordered pasta because I was craving for it but this really disappointed me a lot. It's some mushroom pasta, Ricey and I happened to order the same one coincidentally and we didn't really like it!

 With Lind ♡

 With my Ricey jie ♡

 Group pic!!



Headed out with my mom and sister to have some Korean food!! It's been really long since I went out with my mom because I'm either working a lot or resting at home. (͡๏̯͡๏)

Ssikkek BBQ
United Square, 101 Thomson Road
#B1-15 Singapore 307591
Ddukbokki. Omg love this! ಥ_ಥ
With my Sister! :D
Met up with Huimin and Wanqi for dinner! We were craving for mookata for quite some time and finally got the time to meet up and enjoy it together.

Thai Hao Chi
 908H Upper Thomson Road, Upper Thomson, 787111

 Looking super happy in this picture because the food arrived deng deng deng time to eat! ☼_☼  

 looking at these pictures right now is really making me hungry. ⊙︿⊙

 The chilli is the best, hands down!!! One plate is never enough! ಥ_ಥ
 and into my mouth. ❀◕‿◕❀

We left the egg for the last so we can cook it and mix it with soup again to make it more yummy hehe.

School's starting real soon, totally feeling the stress coming because exams are coming in just one month omg //(ㄒoㄒ)//

Love, Eileen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

(͡๏̯͡๏) I like this face. So cute